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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Leg. tant 50 år.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

We came, we fought, we loosed - we smiled!

Vad är väl en bal på slottet? as we swedes use to say (quoted from Disney's Cinderella - what is a ball at the castle...)
We came, we met, he fought, I cheered - but in the end, no crowns were won.
But it was fun, I tell you.
And I got so nervous thinking I would slip in the grass and fall, that I forgot the first bow for their Majesties Sven and Thora.
Yes, it was a great day.
It was a grand day.
Birds were singing, the sun was shining, everybody smiled and laughed (I think) and the Tournament was exciting. 7 experienced warriors in a deadly fight over the Crown.
It will always be remembered by the populace and the gentles attending.

And maybe, just maybe, I go for it again...


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