The (Anachronist) Princess Diaries

My Photo
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Leg. tant 50 år.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I´ve had the strangest dream this night.
We won the tournament!
But I missed the Investiture and at the banquet my consort had his wife with him...
And on my head I had the ugliest hat ever seen.

What on earth is message of this dream?
You tell me, ´cause I cant´t figure it out at all!

winning a competition=
miss the dinner=
ugly hat=

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A hard rain's gonna fall...

Received an important message from the Principality Seneschal today.
The Tournament will be a difficult task for my consort, the number of swordsmen is rather high.
The outcome depends on many things, most of all what shape they´re in for the day.
My chances to become princess has decreased severly, I think.
But I´m happy anyway.
This will be the first time (but maybe not last?) I´ll be seated at ringside.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shame shame shame...

...Never give up!
So I will finish this embroidery and make a nice cushion. When it´s done, perhaps I´ll make something else...

pic. 1: the book with the original embroidery
pic. 2: pattern transferred to fabric, started cutting. (With scissors, but first I tried a scalpell, a japanese scissor and a knife...)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I´m not satisfied.
With my A&S contribution to the Tourney.
Why am I so certain that I have to do something in textile works?
A few hours with paper, ink and watercolors and I will do a splendid illumination...

Two weeks to go, and I must decide soon.
A new gilt leather embroidery? ( I have a small amount of the REAL stuff!)
An intarsia embroidery?
A pin cushion?
A needle case?
A hat?
Or an illumination?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Progress is nice

Today I feel very pleased with myself. Dress projects is turning out well - I´m finished with the red coat and now only have to do the blue linen smock and hem the last of the tunic/under dress.

Desperately want a new apron dress...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Dear Diary

Today is the first day of this Princesswannabe Diary.

My aim is to be the future Princess of Nordmark, a Principality in The Kingdom of Drachenwald.
To get the job my Consort has to win the Coronet Torney 6th of May 2006.
My contribution is to fix our mutual Arts & Science work that has to be exposed to the populace on the same day.

I decided to make a gilt leather embroidery (using polyester gold string instead of expensive gilt leather) cushion. As a source I´ve used a motif from the Dalhem Church coverlet.
When I was finished with the central part I got a terrible agony on how to continue - do the original's applique of broadcloth or not?
And here I still stand.
Do it or not do it?

For the crucial day I also intent to update my wardrobe with a new Viking outfit...
Have I started?
I will - today...